
Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

“The book of Revelation is, I fear, a very neglected book. Its symbolism belongs to the first century, not to our own age,” says Leon Morris in the preface to his commentary on Revelation. Here he explains the significance of the symbolism and shows the bearing of the message of Revelation on the problems of the day in which it was written.

tenses. He sees it happening. The alternative to repentance is to have Christ fight against them. The verb is confined to Revelation in the New Testament (apart from Jas 4:2). The sword of my mouth clearly means the words Christ speaks. This saying is either a comfort and a strength, or else it destroys us. 17. For He who has an ear …, see note on verse 7. He who overcomes is this time promised as food the hidden manna. There may be an allusion to the Jewish idea that when the temple was destroyed
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